The animal empire is filled with weird behaviors, incredible facts, and breathtaking creatures that amaze us. There’s a lot we’ve come to learn about our furred and feathered pals through the course of science and history, but there’s still plenty we still need to discover. Even with animals that are common worldwide, numerous bizarre and fascinating truths are hidden beneath the surface that most people don’t know about. Whether you’re an animal lover or just looking for something interesting to share, these strange animal facts will undoubtedly amaze you!
Dolphins Give Each Other Names

Dolphins are well-known for their intellect, and it turns out they also have a pretty cultured social structure. Studies reveal that dolphins are capable of using exclusive sign whistles to recognize and call each other. Accordingly, much like human beings, dolphins have names for each other. These signature whistles are not just casual noises but are different identification codes that permit dolphins to bond with their pals. It’s like each dolphin has its personal call sign, making them one of the rare animals in the world to use their own identifiers!
Elephants Can Communicate Through Their Feet

Elephants are among Earth’s most intelligent and emotionally complicated animals, and their communication skills are just as extraordinary! These gentle giants are known for their vocalizations, but they also communicate by making low-frequency sounds, or infrasound, which is inaudible to humans. Elephants can speak to each other from thousands of miles away thanks to these sounds that can travel through the ground. They can sense these seismic messages by picking up vibrations via their feet, which can send info about mating, threats, or places. It’s a method of communication that’s nearly invisible to us but amazingly important for these sociable hulks!
Octopuses Have Three Hearts

When it comes to odd behavior, the octopus takes the top spot. Are you aware that octopuses have three hearts? Blood is sent to the gills by two of these hearts, while the third heart sends it to the rest of the body. However, the shocking fact is that when an octopus swims, the heart that provides blood to the body stops beating. Consequentially, octopuses favor crawling over swimming, as it’s less exhausting for them. While these heart-stopping animals are recognized for their brilliance and ability to change colors, their heart’s exceptional structure makes everybody’s jaw drop!
A Blue Whale’s Heart Weighs The Same As A Car

The blue whale, the biggest creature to ever exist, is nothing short of extraordinary! Not only can this huge mammal grow to be more than 100 feet long, but its heart is similarly gigantic, too. A blue whale’s heart can weigh up to 400 pounds, which is the same weight as a small car! This huge creature pumps around 60 gallons of blood with each beat, vital to keep up with its enormous body. While a blue whale’s size is remarkable in many ways, its gigantic heart symbolizes how incredible nature can be.
Some Turtles Can Breathe Through Their Butts

Shockingly, certain types of turtles can breathe through their butts. In particular, certain freshwater turtles have an exclusive adaptation that lets them absorb oxygen from their cloaca, an opening that has many purposes in reptiles. This impressive skill becomes useful during hibernation when turtles spend months inside water without coming up for air. By breathing from their behinds, they can stay underwater for longer and save their energy. Mother Nature truly knows no boundaries when it comes to discovering innovative solutions for existence!
Sharks Have Existed Long Before Trees

It’s difficult to picture a world without sharks, but did you know that these terrifying sea creatures have been swimming in the sea for more than 400 million years? That was way before trees existed. Sharks are living fossils, having lasted for five large-scale extinctions over millions of years. Their evolutionary journey has prepared them with an astute array of survival equipment, like electroreception (the talent to spot electric fields from other creatures) and the fastest bite in the animal realm. So, the next time you see a shark on Discovery Channel, remember that they’ve existed long before the planet’s oldest tree!
Crows Can Use Tools

Crows are one of the most undervalued creatures in the world. These intelligent birds can not only resolve complicated issues but can also use tools in ways that would make even some apes envious. According to a study, crows were seen constructing tools by twisting sticks and leaves to assist them in getting food from hard-to-reach places. Some crows have even been noted using tools to assist other crows, indicating a quality of problem-solving and teamwork. Their skills in using tools put them in the same club as chimpanzees, dolphins, and humans, making them one of the smartest non-human kinds!
Sloths Poop Only Once a Week

Sloths are recognized for their leisurely movements and relaxed way of life, but they take it to another level when it comes to pooping. These dull animals are noted for pooping only once a week. But how come? Sloths have an extremely slow metabolism, so their digestive system functions very slowly. As a result, they retain waste for a few days before making the lengthy trip down from the treetops to find an appropriate toilet spot. The surprising fact is that sloths put their lives in danger just to relieve themselves, as they have to go down to the ground, where they’re exposed to hunters. It’s a “slow and steady” procedure in every way!
The Axolotl Can Grow Back Its Whole Body

The axolotl, a kind of salamander, is well-known for its surprising reformative skills. This marine animal can regrow its limbs, backbone, heart, and even parts of its brain! Researchers are still trying to figure out how axolotls can regrow their whole body so well. However, according to experts, their reformative skills could one day be the key to developments in human medicine. The axolotl is recognized as one of wildlife’s most remarkable examples of flexibility and regrowth!
Certain Frogs Can Survive Being Frozen Solid During Winter

Frogs are generally linked to warm, wet atmospheres, but specific subspecies can bear some of the toughest situations on Earth. The wood frog, for instance, can withstand being frozen solid during the winter. When the temperature goes down, the frog’s body goes into a condition of suspended animation. Its heart stops beating, and ice is produced in its organs. Still, strangely, when the temperature rises, the frog thaws and returns to life! This extraordinary survival approach allows the wood frog to live in places with high winter temperatures, where other animals wouldn’t survive.
Nature’s Miracles Are Infinite

These weird and fascinating facts remind us that the natural world is way more complicated and mysterious than we know. Whether it is about the cleverness of crows or the three hearts of octopuses, every animal in this world has an exclusive story to narrate. Next time you come across an animal, take a minute to cherish the extraordinary and strange skills that nature has gifted it with. After all, there are many wonders in the world of animals, and we have only begun to explore them!