Different people around the world speak different languages that have their own lilts and accents. So, when we travel to foreign countries, we find it difficult to accurately pronounce the names of places.
But, if you want to make nice with the locals, you might want to take some time to look up the pronunciations of common words and names of places. This lets the locals know that you do not take their country for granted, and it could even earn you a few favours! Even if you don’t end up saying the word a hundred percent right (and that would be very difficult when it’s a new language), it lets them know you’re trying and will definitely land you on their good side.
Lucky for you, Thrillophilia has done the job for you and put together a list of the names of a few of the most commonly mispronounced places and how to correctly say them! Take a look at the images below, and on your next trip around the world, you can make sure that you know how to pronounce the name of the country you’re in properly!