7 Most Common Products You Should Eat Raw

There are several different ways in which we eat foods, including different cooking techniques and ways to prepare them. But most of the food we eat is cooked. While some foods like meat and fish are generally cooked to get rid of the bacteria in them and make them safe for eating, others don’t needed to be treated the same way. In fact, some foods lose their health properties as they are cooked.

Here are 7 such foods that are so common in everybody’s kitchen that you should be eating raw.

Dark green vegetables

Green vegetables are probably the healthiest stuff you can eat – they are chock full of vitamins and minerals like calcium, vitamin c, sulforaphane, and more. The last of those is particularly beneficial in decreasing blood pressure. This makes dark green vegetables very good for heart health, among various other things. So, the next time you pick up some broccoli or cabbage, skip the boiling and eat them raw!


What’s your favorite way to eat an apple? Baked until thin and crispy, cooked into a jam, or in an apple pie? Well, the best way to eat them is raw, because cooking them will cause them to lose their natural minerals and vitamins, and not to mention their natural juiciness and fragrance. Basically, all you’ll be left with are a bunch of carbs! The good news is, eating apples raw shouldn’t be too hard of a task, because they are freaking delicious no matter what kind is your favorite!


Coconuts are one of nature’s best hydration tools, other than water, of course. Coconuts contains plenty of healthy fats and electrolytes that are very good for your health. Dried coconut, on the other hand, is nowhere near as healthy as the fresh, juicy kind. Even beyond that, they can’t compete with taste either!


Berries are often dried, frozen, or cooked into jams and preserves. None of these are as nutritious as fresh berries. Dehydrated berries contain less minerals and a higher percentage of calories, and not to mention jams are made with loads and loads of sugar.


Did you know sprouts are a great source of vitamin c? But that’s not all, they are also rich in manganese, copper, folate, and fiber. But, when sprouts are cooked, they tend to lose a fair bit of these good properties, and are left with virtually no vitamin c when put through high temperatures.

Bell peppers

Bell peppers are tasty and colorful – they are also very high in vitamin c and other beneficial properties. Unfortunately, you can lose all of that vitamin c when you cook them in high temperatures.


Guavas are often used in curries in Asian cuisines. These dishes taste great, but if your focus is on getting the maximum health benefits, you should be eating them raw.