There’s always a fad diet or something that goes around, and most of us are tempted by the promise of quick and effective results. And when we do try them, they tend to not work or at least not work as well as you hoped. In other cases, it does work and the weighing scale tells you’re a few pounds lighter than the last time you stepped on it, but wait- you forgot the rebound effect!
And no, that’s not a new theory of physics. But it is a bit similar to Newton’s third’s law, ‘to every action, there is an equal or opposite reaction’, that when you lose a bit of weight during a fad diet, you will put it back on, and then some more!

So, what do you do? Are you forever cursed to have to hold in that tummy when you’re in public? Fear not, as here are a few simple tips and tricks as well as a few alterations to your diet that will help you lose those extra pounds and keep them off, rebound effect be damned!
Embrace the philosophy that “less is more”
Although it may sound counter-intuitive to take shorter intervals between meals when you’re trying to lose weight, it actually helps! The trick is to make them smaller meals. Smaller, more frequent meals will help you satisfy your hunger and keep you energized, and you are less likely to feel like piling more food onto the plate at dinner time because you haven’t had anything to eat since lunch!

Plan your meals carefully, but don’t force yourself
Many people experience sever mental distress as well as physical side-effects when they chose to follow strict, unforgiving diets. Not only are you going to feel more tired, and like you have less energy to get through the day, as you are eating less food, you will also feel anxiety and stress. Be cautious and don’t stress yourself out too much, as this could even lead you to falling victim to eating disorders. If you feel like your diet isn’t working and the struggle is weighing on you, the best option would be to consult a professional and get a meal plan drawn up that is best suited to your body and its abilities and needs.

Be realistic about your expectations
No matter what those crash diets you read about in magazines tell you, its not going to be easy to lose weight and have hips as thin as that supermodel on the cover page ‘in 14 days!’. That photo would have been edited and airbrushed anyway! Set realistic goals for yourself. Don’t expect to reach your target goal by the weekend, it’ll take a lot of time and patience. Remember that making sudden extreme changes to your diet will shock your body, and in fact, could end up inducing the opposite effect than you intended. Slow and steady wins the race. Weight loss and maintaining a healthy body is not a temporary trend, but a slow and steady process that you must continue on for the rest of your life.

Your brain is the driving force behind all your actions
Always keep the goal in mind; keep your eyes on the prize, as they say. They also say that an empty mind is a devil’s workshop, so when you’re feeling lethargic or impatient and you just don’t feel like working out, or you just want to grab a piece of that chocolate cake your coworker bought into the office today, just remember what your goals are. Keep your mind busy, turn your attention to something else, because our brains tend to trick us into thinking were hungry when we’re bored.

Being on a diet shouldn’t make you feel guilty about eating
Eating food is what we do to survive, so there is no point in feeling guilty every time you sit down for a meal. Although the end goal is to lose weight, it must not come at the cost of constant mental pressure. If the mind is not healthy, the body can’t be healthy, and constant feelings of guilt can weigh someone down. Remind yourself of what a good job you’re doing trying to eat healthy and watching what you eat, celebrate your accomplishments, even though they might not seem like a lot. And remember to reward yourself once in a while. It’s ok to have that chocolate once in a while, you deserved it!

Make sure to track your advancements
This is just as important as setting your goals. Not only will frequent weigh-ins help you track your progress, they will also help keep you on track and motivate you to keep going. Registerig the changes will also help you realise what works and what does not. A positive impact will also rejuvenate you and reinforce your will to follow through with your resolutions. And make sure to give yourself credit on any such improvements, no matter how small they are.

Exercise more be more physical
Physical activity also plays a massive role in losing weight and maintaining a clean, fit body and mind. A healthy diet plan will help you lose weight, but exercise is necessary to help you gain muscle mass, which is how you’ll be able to achieve that dream body. That doesn’t mean you have to rush to the gym every evening after work, it just means that you have keep yourself active. Small things like walking up and down the stairs instead of taking the elevator, cleaning the house or gardening yourself can also make a big impact. Taking a short walk or jog in the morning can also help clear your mind and help you destress. Of course, going to the gym could also help, if that’s what you’re into.