The internet loves doling out advice, on just about anything; and that’s no myth! Sometimes we take the words of a stranger on the internet at face value (even when we know we shouldn’t). And -surprise, surprise- the “advice” turns out to be something that’s totally bogus.
That’s why we’re here to analyze one of favorite things to tell you: don’t wash this!
From chicken to jeans, we’ve heard that so many things shouldn’t be washed. Are they true? Some of the things you might think are BS may turn out to be real while some that sound legit are utter myths. Read on, and maybe you’ll be able to scientifically dispute the fact that your “dirty jeans need washing” the next time your mom berates you. Or will you?

1. Never Wash Jeans
You’ve undoubtedly heard or seen “Never wash your jeans” somewhere on the interwebs. It’s true that it was said by the CEO of Levi’s, Chip Bergh, but its not exactly what he said. In a public panel, he shocked the crowd by admitting that the jeans he was wearing “hadn’t seen the inside of a washing machine in a year”.
He explains that although he does not advocate that you never wash your dirty jeans, you don’t need to wash it as often. Denims also use up a lot of water in the washing machine, so he says he spot washes with a toothbrush or washes them by hand and line dries them himself.
Jeans that are less frequently washed also look better. When you buy a pair of jeans, it’s pretty evenly colored, and it is with wear that you get the cool faded lines and creases. If you wash it often, the color will run and fill out the faded parts.
Bergh says that even raw denim experts have been saying the same thing. Hiut Denim is one of them, and their website reads: “Raw denim is best given a good six months before washing. The longer you can leave it, the better your jeans will look.”
But let’s get real, the more you wear something, the dirtier it gets through dust you pick up, sweat, etc. But none of that is actually harmful enough to need washing. However when it starts to smell is the point where you have no choice but to throw them in the washer (or hand wash them like Chip Bergh).
So, the verdict is: REAL! (With a smidget of exaggeration. Basically, don’t be gross human being and wash your jeans as soon as they start to smell).

2. Mushrooms
Mushrooms are another hot topic when it comes to things certain people swear you should never wash. Among those disputing or supporting this claim are top chefs and food experts – even these guys are divided by this issue!
The main argument of those that say you should never wash mushrooms is that they lose all the flavor in the rinsing process, and we don’t want that. But on the other hand, the obvious argument is that they are dirty – and naturally so as they’ve been plucked from the ground!
The issue is certainly puzzling, but what are you supposed to do?
Let’s look to the British Mushroom Bureau (yes, there’s a Brits have a bureau for mushrooms) for the answer. They say,”The Mushroom Bureau advises that all you need to do is give the mushrooms a wipe with a damp cloth or a quick rinse. It’s true that they will absorb water and the more water is absorbed the lower the flavor. This is because they are neither a fruit nor a vegetable so do not have an outer skin like an apple for example, and, as a result, will absorb water. You should never soak, peel or remove the stalk.”
Well, there you have it. The claim that you should never wash your mushrooms is clearly a MYTH! (But don’t overdo it either).

3. Never Wash Your Hair
Most of us get up in the morning, brush our teeth, wash our face and then have shower. It’s so ingrained into our daily routines that going one day without washing the hair seems like something disgusting to do. But should we be washing our hair every dThe internet loves doling out advice, on just about anything; and that’s no myth! Sometimes we take the words of a stranger on the internet at face value (even when we know we shouldn’t). And -surprise, surprise- the “advice” turns out to be something that’s totally bogus.
That’s why we’re here to analyze one of favorite things to tell you: don’t wash this!
From chicken to jeans, we’ve heard that so many things shouldn’t be washed. Are they true? Some of the things you might think are BS may turn out to be real while some that sound legit are utter myths. Read on, and maybe you’ll be able to scientifically dispute the fact that your “dirty jeans need washing” the next time your mom berates you. Or will you?

1. Never Wash Jeans
You’ve undoubtedly heard or seen “Never wash your jeans” somewhere on the interwebs. It’s true that it was said by the CEO of Levi’s, Chip Bergh, but its not exactly what he said. In a public panel, he shocked the crowd by admitting that the jeans he was wearing “hadn’t seen the inside of a washing machine in a year”.
He explains that although he does not advocate that you never wash your dirty jeans, you don’t need to wash it as often. Denims also use up a lot of water in the washing machine, so he says he spot washes with a toothbrush or washes them by hand and line dries them himself.
Jeans that are less frequently washed also look better. When you buy a pair of jeans, it’s pretty evenly colored, and it is with wear that you get the cool faded lines and creases. If you wash it often, the color will run and fill out the faded parts.
Bergh says that even raw denim experts have been saying the same thing. Hiut Denim is one of them, and their website reads: “Raw denim is best given a good six months before washing. The longer you can leave it, the better your jeans will look.”
But let’s get real, the more you wear something, the dirtier it gets through dust you pick up, sweat, etc. But none of that is actually harmful enough to need washing. However when it starts to smell is the point where you have no choice but to throw them in the washer (or hand wash them like Chip Bergh).
So, the verdict is: REAL! (With a smidget of exaggeration. Basically, don’t be gross human being and wash your jeans as soon as they start to smell).

2. Mushrooms
Mushrooms are another hot topic when it comes to things certain people swear you should never wash. Among those disputing or supporting this claim are top chefs and food experts – even these guys are divided by this issue!
The main argument of those that say you should never wash mushrooms is that they lose all the flavor in the rinsing process, and we don’t want that. But on the other hand, the obvious argument is that they are dirty – and naturally so as they’ve been plucked from the ground!
The issue is certainly puzzling, but what are you supposed to do?
Let’s look to the British Mushroom Bureau (yes, there’s a Brits have a bureau for mushrooms) for the answer. They say,”The Mushroom Bureau advises that all you need to do is give the mushrooms a wipe with a damp cloth or a quick rinse. It’s true that they will absorb water and the more water is absorbed the lower the flavor. This is because they are neither a fruit nor a vegetable so do not have an outer skin like an apple for example, and, as a result, will absorb water. You should never soak, peel or remove the stalk.”
Well, there you have it. The claim that you should never wash your mushrooms is clearly a MYTH! (But don’t overdo it either).

3. Never Wash Your Hair
Most of us get up in the morning, brush our teeth, wash our face and then have shower. It’s so ingrained into our daily routines that going one day without washing the hair seems like something disgusting to do. But should we be washing our hair every day, or ever for that matter?
No and yes.
No, you shouldn’t be washing your hair every day. And yes, you should wash your hair once in a while. There are a lot of benefits to washing your hair less often, mainly that it will look naturally shinier and softer. When left alone, your hair is able to produce serbum, which is a natural oil which automatically moisturizes your hair. It also feels a lot better as washing can strip away the natural oils.
When people say “you should never wash your hair”, they often mean you should stop using shampoo on it, which makes a lot more sense because most shampoos are filled with chemicals that can actually end up harming it instead of helping it. You should also try to reduce the amount of hair products you use – or better yet, eliminate them completely.
So it seem like the advice to never wash your hair is a MYTH!

4. Never Wash Raw Chicken
Let me get this out first, the advice to never wash raw chicken is REAL!
This statement carries scientific evidence that explains how washing raw chicken not only does not make the bird any cleaner, but can end up contaminating just about everything else in your kitchen – even if you can’t see it.
The main element in raw chicken that can cause food poisoning is the campylobacter bacteria. Washing raw chicken under running water can cause this bacteria to splash onto other surfaces where you wouldn’t necessarily think to clean afterward. Splashing water droplets travel up to 50 cm in every direction, so they end up on everything within a touching distance. An experiment carried out showed the state of a kitchen after chicken had been washed under UV lights. Although it looked pretty normal under normal lighting, under UV lights, it looked like a crime scene!
I know it sounds like a bizarre idea to not wash raw chicken before cooking it because that’s how we’ve always done it, but it already comes clean when you buy it and whatever bacteria remains on it gets killed in the cooking process.

5. Never Wash A Cast Iron Skillet (With Soap)
There is a belief from the olden days that you should not watch a cast iron skillet using soap. The reasoning behind this “advice” is that soap damages the seasoning of your cast iron skillet. We’re not talking about the salt and pepper kind of seasoning, this seasoning refers to thin layer of oil that coats the inside of the skillet. Therefore, since soap is designed to remove oil, it is said to damage the coating. The logic seems to check out, right?
Wrong! The saying that soap damages seasoning is simply a MYTH!
This is because the difference between regular oil and the type in a cast iron pan’s coating is that the latter has polymerized oil, and when it’s heated and wiped down, its already broken down into a plastic-like substance and fused with the metal’s surface.
But, it is true that you shouldn’t let soak for too long. There are a few things to know about how to use a cast iron pan properly, including regular re-seasoning and the right way of cleaning it. If you make sure to take good care of your cast iron, it will be loyal to you for years to come!
ay, or ever for that matter?
No and yes.
No, you shouldn’t be washing your hair every day. And yes, you should wash your hair once in a while. There are a lot of benefits to washing your hair less often, mainly that it will look naturally shinier and softer. When left alone, your hair is able to produce serbum, which is a natural oil which automatically moisturizes your hair. It also feels a lot better as washing can strip away the natural oils.
When people say “you should never wash your hair”, they often mean you should stop using shampoo on it, which makes a lot more sense because most shampoos are filled with chemicals that can actually end up harming it instead of helping it. You should also try to reduce the amount of hair products you use – or better yet, eliminate them completely.
So it seem like the advice to never wash your hair is a MYTH!

4. Never Wash Raw Chicken
Let me get this out first, the advice to never wash raw chicken is REAL!
This statement carries scientific evidence that explains how washing raw chicken not only does not make the bird any cleaner, but can end up contaminating just about everything else in your kitchen – even if you can’t see it.
The main element in raw chicken that can cause food poisoning is the campylobacter bacteria. Washing raw chicken under running water can cause this bacteria to splash onto other surfaces where you wouldn’t necessarily think to clean afterward. Splashing water droplets travel up to 50 cm in every direction, so they end up on everything within a touching distance. An experiment carried out showed the state of a kitchen after chicken had been washed under UV lights. Although it looked pretty normal under normal lighting, under UV lights, it looked like a crime scene!
I know it sounds like a bizarre idea to not wash raw chicken before cooking it because that’s how we’ve always done it, but it already comes clean when you buy it and whatever bacteria remains on it gets killed in the cooking process.

5. Never Wash A Cast Iron Skillet (With Soap)
There is a belief from the olden days that you should not watch a cast iron skillet using soap. The reasoning behind this “advice” is that soap damages the seasoning of your cast iron skillet. We’re not talking about the salt and pepper kind of seasoning, this seasoning refers to thin layer of oil that coats the inside of the skillet. Therefore, since soap is designed to remove oil, it is said to damage the coating. The logic seems to check out, right?
Wrong! The saying that soap damages seasoning is simply a MYTH!
This is because the difference between regular oil and the type in a cast iron pan’s coating is that the latter has polymerized oil, and when it’s heated and wiped down, its already broken down into a plastic-like substance and fused with the metal’s surface.
But, it is true that you shouldn’t let soak for too long. There are a few things to know about how to use a cast iron pan properly, including regular re-seasoning and the right way of cleaning it. If you make sure to take good care of your cast iron, it will be loyal to you for years to come!